Friday, October 22, 2010

Huzzah, a poem I say

I love The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, I really do. It is the only poem I was ever forced to read in high school that I enjoyed and half a decade later (oh my, has it been that long since junior year?) I am still in love. My favorite lines from the poem change from time to time, but one that always sticks out in my mind is "I have measured my life with coffee spoons" because it is so very true. Every morning, coffee.

This line has been a source of inspiration for years but I have never been able to really produce a work out of it that I enjoyed. I could not harness the creative potential. Honestly, I think I just didn't have the talent for it yet. Perhaps I do now for I have made another attempt and it has produced Error: Unknown User

I am quite fond of this poem. I was in fact still fond of it over 24 hours after writing it which is a masterful feat in its own as typically I am a doting mother until I realize my poetic offspring have blemishes and like a true Spartan, I toss them over a cliff ne'er to look again. This piece is up to muster so it gets to live. For now. Sometimes it takes me a week or so to lose my sentimental coddling of poetry.